When you use this website, you’re trusting us with your information. We understand this is a big responsibility and work hard to protect your information and put you in control.
This website can be used without giving us any important data about you. There is no need to register for an account and we do not ask you about any data. You might be asked for data once the website asks about the cookies (sorry, someone in the parlament wanted that everyone sees what cookies are activated and which aren't). And if we ever open a shop, there may be a possibility to open an account here (not that this is planned so far). But that's not any data that we will look into. The main goal we have is that the website shows the most important information for our fellow racers and that the documents and data we provide are easily accessible.
The only way to submit any data to us is if you contact us over the contact form or if you subscribe to our newsletter. Only us admins will see the data because we need to answer you if you need help. What you probably want to know is if we use your data for anything else than explained or if we give the information to any other third party companies. Well, yes, we do not give the data to any other companies (except maybe our website provider GoDaddy, please greet your old driver Danica Patrick from us). And even if, GoDaddy won't care about some ridiculous racing clowns xD
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